Saturday, May 30, 2009

You Just Gotta

Have you tried.....

the magnificent yellow beet?

Confession: My taste buds actually can't distunguish a great difference in taste between the yellow and its counterpart, the crimson, but I do love the hue of the yellow one much more, particularly paired with lettuces and fresh herbs.

No dazzling or world-changing recipes are flying from my hands using this root vegetable, but I hate to get too messy with it- their flavor is fresh and definitive and as I mentioned, they are perfect with fresh herbs, a drizzle of olive oil, lemon juice/or orange zest and orange juice, goat cheese, some chopped nuts or whatever, and wala: brings out more of the beet's richness. Quite honestly, I'm a bit of purist when eating these and prefer to eat them plain jane out of the steamer!

Where {to get}: Whole Foods or a local farmers market, or in your own garden- lucky you.

1 comment:

H C M said...

I LOVE beets. I love the colors of beets. So easy, so tasty, and so good for you. And as you say, you really don't need to do much of anything to them.