Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter!

Wow. Easter again, already? It seems as if we were just on an Easter egg hunt with our then-18 month old, helping him with a lot of ardor involved, to find those colorful and candy-filled eggs. Now at 2.5, he's been keenly watching me all day long today as I've, to the best of my abilities, secretly and mysteriously slipped candy into the eggs he'll hunt for on Saturday. Hmmm.. he's got my number. I could tell.

Otherwise, it's been a busy month and we still haven't even gotten around to traditional egg dying yet. Have you? I'm feeling pressed for time, people!

Hence, little thought for Easter crafts or anything remotely resembling one... but if you can weasel in any spare minutes to satisfy a spring-time appropriate, last-minute Easter craft (edible or not), I, by all means, implore you. Here are starters to get your brain cookin':

2. Peep Wreath (I might consume it before it was ever completed though).
6. Chick and Egg Cupcakes- how utterly sweet.

Okay. 7 ideas for ya-- good, right? Let's not overwhelm ourselves after all:)!

Hope you have a wonderful Easter day!!!!

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